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Community Problem Solving (CmPS)

Community Problem Solving is a Program where students apply the problem solving process

they have learned to real-life problems within their communities. Reports of problem solving

projects are evaluated and winners at each of the age divisions may receive invitations to

attend the International FPS Conference.

There are essentially three aspects to the project: a preliminary report due in early February,

the construction of a booth display whilst continuing to implement the plan of action in the

local community, an extensive team interview, the State Finals Affiliate Bowl in February.

Invitations to the Affiliate Bowl are issued on the basis of the Preliminary Report and Addendum in early February.

Teams of students in Community Problem Solving around the world have implemented a wide range of action plans, ranging from cleaning up hazardous waste to a program for finding homes for unwanted pets. Not all of these projects have to be completed in the course of one year. Students are evaluated on the progress that they have made in implementing their action plan and can therefore resubmit their project for several years in a row, providing new work has been done. The students in the group do not have to remain the same either, although it is obviously preferable that a core of the group remains. Such long term projects are very common in the US.

Individual Cover Letter due December 17, 2021

CmPS Project Checklist

Description Courtesy of Australia FPS

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